Shin-MassBank FAQ


When will this service start?

MB-Post will open to the public by March 2024.

What kind of metabolome data can I deposit?

We accept any type of metabolome data, but the most needed is DDA dataset. The DDA dataset will be served for the data reprocessing pipeline to produce averaged product ion spectra.

MassBank Human

When will MassBank Human start?

MassBank Human will start by March 2024.

What kind of data will be made available?

MassBank Human consists of product ion spectra data produced from the human metabolome DDA datasets. A part of the product ion spectra is fully annotated. Some part will be parially annotate using the metabolite ontology.

What can users do with MassBank Human?

Users will be able to check whether a product ion spectrum has been observed in previous metabolome studies.

MassBank in silico

What can users do with MassBank in silico?

MassBank in silico produces a list of most plausible metabolites for a query product ion spectrum using the MS-FINDER algorism.


What is the relationship between MassBank and Shin-MassBank

MassBank is a database of high-quality mass spectra. The Shin-MassBank project develops a data reprocessing pipeline to produce high-quality mass spectra from the metabolome dataset. We plan to provide some high quality data in MassBank Human to MassBank.